Current Sermon Series


Happy May everyone!  What an amazing Spring we’ve had so far, and May is going to be awesome!  To begin with, we’ll have our annual National Day of Prayer event Thursday, May 2nd at 5:30pm in the Worship Center.  We will have nursery care for children three years and under.  During this event, we will take time to pray for our country, our church body, and the families within our church.  I want to encourage you to join me and the elders for this special event.  It will conclude by 6:3ppm. We also have some very inspiring things coming on Sundays in May!  Check out what’s coming!

May 5th is Senior Recognition Sunday!  Our Student Pastor, Isaac King, will be sharing with us and our graduating seniors on that day how we can walk like Jesus with a childlike faith.  This year’s graduating seniors are Joshua West, Meagan Wassinger, Gavin Fletcher, Julia Oliver, Nadia Ramos, Caleb Turner, and Ben Williams! Our graduating seniors will be on campus and will be standing in the back of the Worship Center after each service and would love to receive a note or a card from you.  Church, can I ask you to PLEASE write them a card and give it to them? Even if you don’t know these young men and women, they need to hear from their church family as they celebrate the close of their high school careers. Congratulations to these great students and their parents!  Your church family is so proud of you!

May 12th is Mother’s Day!  We will be recognizing the moms on campus with us with a gift, an updated photo area in the Worship Center, and more.  We will also be blessed to have Arkansas Church Planting Network’s President, Robi Brust, sharing the message with us on Mother’s Day.  Robi will conclude our Walk Like Jesus message series as he shows how Jesus rejected resentment.  Robi is a very gifted communicator, and we are super blessed to have him with us that day.
May 19th is Church on the Lawn!  I’ll go ahead and say that this is my favorite event of the year!  I know that many of you reading this are new to RCC, and you have no idea what this event is.  Well, the name is a fair description of the focus, but it doesn’t tell the whole story.  We could also call it Party on the Lawn, or Food on the Lawn, or Games on the Lawn!  However, we’ll be doing “church” as normal, but we’ll add in food, games, fellowship and more!  The burgers and hotdogs for the day will be provided, but we’re asking our church family to help us with sides and desserts. Over the first couple of weeks of May, you’ll have an opportunity to sign-up to bring sides and/or desserts. We really appreciate you helping us out with this! Additionally, when you are on campus, make sure you grab Church on the Lawn invitations.  These are on tables throughout our campus.  Church on the Lawn is an event we’ve found that guests LOVE to attend! Sometimes, it’s easier to invite people to an event like this rather than a church service.  They like the informality of it, and hey, who doesn’t want to come to a party???  Last thing.  We’re rolling out a new activity this year.  We’re putting together a Generations Nail Driving Race!  The sign-up for this activity is with the sign-ups for sides and desserts in the Worship Center. Find someone from every age category, build a team and get ready to compete for the golden hammer!

May 26th is Memorial Day!  Actually, it’s not, that’s the following Monday, but you get what I’m saying.  During our services, we’ll take a moment to honor those who have given their all to protect our freedoms, and we’ll bring our gifts to the one who died to free us from sin, Jesus!  Even though it’s a holiday weekend, we will still have all our normal Sunday morning programs and ministries.  If you’re out of town, let me encourage you to find a local church to attend.  If you choose not to do that, don’t forget our livestream services.  You can watch on our website here: https://www.rogerscc.org/media, on the RCC app, and now you can watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@RogersChristianChurch.
May will also be our last month of Wednesday Nights @ RCC until school kicks off in August.  That doesn’t mean it’s too late to plug in.  If you’re looking to get connected to a C-Group, please contact Allen Williams at our church office, and he’ll be glad to help you find a group to do life with!

Thanks, RCC!

In Christ,

Contact Zach Here:

Iglesia Cristiana

Praise and Joy Amid Challenges
When praises were sung, the LORD set ambushes and their enemies were defeated (2 Chronicles 20:22).

Praising God in tough times brings His presence into our lives in an incredible way. King Jehoshaphat sent singers to battle with the chant "Give thanks to the LORD, for His mercy endures forever" (2 Chronicles 20:21). When Judah faced overwhelming enemies, the enemies ended up defeating each other while Judah's army didn't raise a sword.

Through praising God during adversities, we focus on His real and mighty assistance. This worship directs our emotions and thoughts to the power of our Deliverer, which helps us see our problems in a more manageable light. What relationship can't be mended? What enemy can't be overcome?

The more we praise, the more we magnify the One who is truly in control of everything. Turn to the Lord in worship and praise when facing troubled times and dark nights. Speak out verses that reflect God's goodness and greatness, and reflect on His past kindness. You will witness a steady flow of strength and hope. By exalting the Lord, He will lift you up.

Que la paz de Dios te acompañe,
Contact Arturo Here:


I want to be truthful and say that this past month has been difficult. Many of you know that my Father-In-Law, Riley, has memory issues and has lived with us for the past 2 and a half years. About the end of March, his cognitive abilities began to decline. It became clear in the following weeks that we were unable to care for his needs and made the difficult decision to place him in a memory care facility. Then, the follow day, my wife was induced and two days later, we had a baby! Kameesha and I gave birth to a 10 lb, 22 and a half inch baby boy! Oh, did I mention that our oldest son is getting married in three and a half weeks?!

We are still processing all the emotions that come with the difficult decisions and joyful experiences of the past month. Two things stand out: Our church and our God. RCC has, once again, loved on my family in meaningful ways. You made sure Riley was cared for on Easter Sunday while my wife was with our children and I was on the platform leading worship. We received so much love and support in the form of meals for our family while Kameesha recovered from giving birth. Many of you have visited Riley after we placed him and prayed with us. I’m not sure a church could love a family any more than RCC has loved us. Throughout this experience, RCC has loved us, and God has not forgotten us. There are countless passages of Scripture which declare God’s presence and providence in our lives. I think of Psalm 139, which teaches that there isn’t a detail of our existence which God doesn’t know, “You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways” 139:2-3. We had peace in the knowledge that God was with us the entire ordeal and continues to be. Thank you for loving my family through all of these. Thank you for having our backs and for being the loving hands and feet of Jesus to us.

Our Community Group ministry will officially continue through the last Wednesday of this month. Our last Wednesday night for childcare and programming will be on May 29th. Let’s finish this month strong and continue to lift each other up and encourage one another!

Let’s not forget about Church on the Lawn, which is on Sunday, May 19th! There will be one service under a large tent on the front lawn. We will provide the burgers and hot dogs, and we’re asking you all to bring the sides and desserts. The signups are in the Worship Center. There will be inflatables and family activities after we eat. This event is always a highlight of the year for us. There are also signups to help set up and tear down.

Servin’ God and Lovin’ It!

Contact Allen Here:

Numa Student Calendar - May-July

EVERY SUNDAY - Jr. High and High School Bible Study at 9:30 am!

May 5 - Senior Recognition Sunday - Come to worship and help us honor our high school graduating seniors! 

May 19 - CHURCH ON THE LAWN and the PAINTBALL FUNDRAISER - must sign up for the fundraiser to participate. 

May 29 - Let’s Go! - This is The Beginning of Summer Party starting at 6:00 pm and ending at 8:00 pm!

June 5 - NUMA CANOE TRIP - 8 am to 5 pm - $25, must sign up

June 8-16 - Numa Mission Trip (this trip’s sign up period is over)

June 19 - Climb Bentonville Trip - 9 am to 1 pm - $25, must sign up

July 4 - Independence Day Party at RCC's Parking Lot - 6 pm

July 7-12 - Middle School Week at Maranatha Bible Camp - must sign up

July 19 - Natural's Baseball Game (Free Tickets Available) - must sign up

July 21-26 - Senior High Week at Maranatha Bible Camp - must sign up

July 31 - Basketball/Volleyball Competitions - 10 am to 3 pm - must sign up

August 21 - Tentative Wednesday Night Kick-off! - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

For Camp: please go here to register for either of the above dates:

479-426-5897 // isaac@rogerscc.org

Contact Isaac Here: 

What's Happening!

Here’s what’s coming up in our ministry . . .

MAY 18: Volunteer Appreciation & Training Brunch
ALL volunteers for children & nursery are requested to attend from 10am-12pm. *Our campus is busy that day with Church on the Lawn setup, so New Hope Assemblies of God has offered to allow us to use their campus for our training and appreciation day. 2626 W New Hope Rd, Rogers, AR.

MAY 19: Church on the Lawn
NO Sunday School classes or kids programs. Nursery for children 3yrs and under is still available. Join us for a day of worship, fellowship and lots of fun! Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided, but we need you to help with sides and desserts! There will be inflatables, popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones, and more! Invite your friends!

MAY 29: Last Wednesday Night Programming until August!

Every Wednesday in May we will be CELEBRATING our friendships made at church with fun theme nights and lessons! Join us as we conclude the year with lots of fun, worship, and fellowship!

(For kids GOING INTO grades PREK-1)
Early Bird Pricing: $40

(For kids GOING INTO grades 1-2)
Early Bird Pricing: $95

(For kids GOING INTO grades 3-5)
Early Bird Pricing: $200

What We're Teaching!

ONE SMALL STEP: A 4-Week Series on the Early Church

Astronaut Neil Armstrong once said landing on the moon was “one small step for man.” The biggest adventures start in such a simple way — especially when it comes to space! Asteroids, distant planets, and brand new galaxies await us once we leave earth’s atmosphere. Being the first to explore such uncharted territory can be intimidating. In this four-week series, we’ll take a look at the Book of Acts to learn from the first Christians. Through their stories of faith and bravery, kids will learn how taking the first step of believing in Jesus, the next step of praying for others, and an even bigger step of trusting the Holy Spirit makes us brave. But they won’t want to skip the last step of telling others about Jesus.

Contact Jamie Here: 

Hello, RCC!

Another month has come and gone.  It’s hard to believe we’re almost halfway through the year!  April was such a beautiful month as we celebrated the resurrection of our Savior, learned about all the beautiful things that God made, and enjoyed being together.

May’s focus will be on how God gives us people to help us.  What a great reminder for all of us!  Your children will hear words and songs about Jesus’ help for his friends; they will experience love and help from others at church and will play with a variety of toys and materials. Our theme will be “God gives people to help me” and comes from John 13:2-5.

There are several ways your child can learn how to help others or to feel help from others.  Have  them help you with tasks around the house such as cooking dinner, folding the laundry, or taking the dog outside. They can help a sibling by pushing them on a swing, or even help with changing diapers.  You can also help your child by assisting in something they have been trying to work on.  Talk about the way Jesus helps us, and the people he puts in our lives to help us.
SING IT (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
I will smile and play with you.
Jesus helped His good friends, too.
I can show I care for you
To help you know that God loves you!

VOLUNTEER in The Harbor Nursery!

We have many volunteer opportunities available in the Harbor Nursery Ministry and at Check-in!
•1st and 2nd Service Check-in Volunteers
•1st and 2nd Service Whales Classroom Teachers (highest need!)
•1st and 2nd Service Substitutes

If you're interested in serving in this vital ministry at RCC, please reach out to Andrea VanAuken using the form below.  
Thank you!

Email Andrea, The Nursery Coordinator, with the form below:


One of RCC’s partners, Micah with Scriptures in Use, recently went to train a network in Indonesia that has seen a movement of over 150,000 Muslims come to faith in Jesus over the last eighteen years! Micah trained their top leaders back before Covid, and this round, he returned to train thirty-five brand new leaders.

An original trainee had recruited a whole new group of leaders after seeing the fruit of the 2019 training, and now these new leaders were ready to be equipped from the very beginning. Their existing training is heavy on evangelism, making it a goal for everyone involved to share the Gospel five times a day, six to seven times a week.Scriptures in Use focuses on indigenous storytelling to share God’s word and develop deeper discipleship, a method that was relied on heavily during this training. As a group, they memorized a story together and then developed how to integrate it into evangelism, discipleship, church planting and raising new leaders. The group then went out each evening to practice sharing the story with people.

Please be in prayer for Micah and the team at Scriptures in Use as they continue to share God’s Word with others!

-The International Missions Committee

Community Groups are active! If you aren't involved in a C-Group and would like to be, please contact Allen Williams with the form below!


National Day of Prayer Event
Thursday, May 2nd is this year’s date for the National Day of Prayer.  On that day, Jesus followers in our country are encouraged to gather and pray for our nation. RCC is hosting our prayer event from 5:30pm to 6:30pm in RCC’s Worship Center. Participants will have an opportunity to pray for the direction of our country, our church body, and our families. Childcare will be provided for children three years and under. We would love to see you there. 
Senior Recognition Sunday
On May 5th, we're honoring our graduating high school seniors for Senior Recognition Sunday! Please take the time to write each of them an encouraging note or prayer! They will be in the back of the Worship Center after 1st and 2nd Service on May 5th for you to give your notes to! Our Seniors are: Joshua West, Meagan Wassinger, Gavin Fletcher, Julia Oliver, Nadia Ramos, Caleb Turner, and Ben Williams.
Men’s Breakfast
Guys of all ages are invited to join us for our Men's Breakfast on Saturday, May 11th! One of RCC’s elders, Dennis Thurman, will be our guest speaker. We will meet in the Worship Center at 8am for an awesome time of food and community! Bring some friends, and we hope to see you there!
Women’s Ministry Gathering
Join us Monday, May 13th, at 6:30pm as we celebrate Mother's Day at our final Women's Gathering of the season! Dinner and dessert will be provided, and we will be sharing in worship, fellowship, and fun! Childcare will be provided. See you there!
Volunteer Appreciation Brunch & Training
We are hosting a Volunteer Appreciation Brunch & Training for all nursery, children’s and rEcess volunteers on May 18th from 10:00am-12:00pm. We will be covering some very important information, so current and prospective volunteers are required to attend. Please RSVP by May 11th to Jamie, 479-224-1539, or Andrea, 479-685-8134.
Church on the Lawn
Join us May 19th for Church on the Lawn! We will have one service at 11:00am on the front lawn under a tent, with food and fun following! Nursery for ages 3yrs and under will be provided. RCC will provide the burgers and hotdogs, but we need you to sign up to bring sides. Sign-up sheets will be on the RCC table. Invite your friends!
Ladies Out to Lunch Bunch
All ladies are invited to lunch on May 20th at 11am at the Golden Corral in Rogers. This is a fun time of fellowship with other ladies, and we hope you will join us! Contact Krista Howard, 479-903-5762, for more information.
8th Street Motel Serving Ministry
Our next service at 8th Street Motel will be on Thursday, May 23rd.  We need 4 people to help with meal preparation at 1pm in the Worship Center Kitchen, and 12 people to help with set up and serving. We’ll meet in the Worship Center at 4:15pm to go set up, and should be done by 5:30pm. A sign up sheet is available on the RCC table. Contact the church office, 479-636-9067, for questions.
El Grupo de Damas estara reuniendose cada ultimo sabado del mes a las 2:00 pm. Estan todas invitadas a las reuniones. Favor de contactar a Gladys Mejia, 832-370-9113,  o Ferlim Alas, 479-715-1793, para mas informacion.
RCC Community Blood Drive
On May 31st from 12-4pm, we are partnering with the Red Cross for a Blood Drive! You can visit
redcrossblood.org, or click the button below to get scheduled. Thank you for partnering with us to serve our community!
Homebound Communion
We have put together teams of individuals who will deliver communion to our homebound church members. If you are unable to make it on campus for service and would like for someone to come to your home and serve you communion, please contact our Lead Pastor, Zach, at the church office by phone or email (479-636-9067, zach@rogerscc.org).
The Non-Food Pantry is open on the first Tuesday of every month from 5-6pm. If you, or someone you know needs some help, then stop by! Photo ID and proof of residency in Rogers are needed in order to receive items.
Are you crafty?  Or do you just have a heart for those in pain? Join this ministry!

Pray, while making a shawl, for an individual who has a long term illness  (Illness lasting 6+ months)

How you can help:
1. If you can crochet or knit, your help in making shawls would be greatly appreciated
2. Donations to help with the yarn for making shawls. (Just an average cost for the yarn to make a shawl is approximately $15.)
3. Send in names for people to receive a shawl. Text or call 479-426-5687 or send a  Facebook message to Heather Fyffe.

Contact the Office: 

Let's work together.

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.