Current Sermon Series


I commented to several people last Sunday that this was the “fallest fall” we’ve had in Northwest Arkansas since moving here. I usually think of September as the second summer, but it’s been so nice outside. I know that summer isn’t going down without a fight, but I am certainly enjoying the 70’s and 80’s! Fall is an incredible time of year for our church family. People are done with summer vacations, and they’re getting into the groove of taking the kids to school, etc. Our attendances start picking back up, and we can get that synergy and momentum going again! That’s awesome! I believe our September has set us up for an incredible October. We had two special moments in September. The first was when we set aside our elders for the upcoming year. We are truly blessed to have such godly men serving this body. The following week, we had our baby dedication service. If you were with us on campus or online, you learned that it was really a child dedication service! We were so excited to have multiple family units in each service dedicate their children to the Lord. Those two moments really reflect some of the things we value so deeply in our church: godly servant leadership, and families.

As we kick off October, we will wrap up our message series Simple Money, Rich Life. On October 13th, we’ll also be kicking off a new message series titled “A Community In Crisis.” The truth is that the American church is struggling. While we are experiencing growth and unity here at RCC, the stories of the exact opposites are almost deafening. Over the last several weeks, we’ve had guests visiting us from churches that are closing their doors and disbanding their fellowship. People are leaving mainstream denominations in droves, and unfortunately, they’re leaving Christ’s church all together in many cases. The community of believers that God established, the church, is in crisis. This series will look at four different causes for strife and division in the family of God. For RCC to continue to be in God’s will, we must do everything to avoid these sinful practices. For RCC to continue to be in God’s will, we must live lives of purpose, unity, sacrifice and humility. I can’t wait to share with you how we can avoid being a community in crisis, and instead be a fellowship flourishing in faith!
While we are working our way through the message series, I’ll be talking to you about a HUGE event we have coming up that we call Trunk or Fest. Trunk or Fest is a great outreach to our community. Our Children’s Director, Jamie Fleming (jamie@rogerscc.org) has set out a sign-up table for this event in the Worship Center. I want to encourage everyone to sign-up. The number one thing we’ll need are trunks. Over the last several years, we’ve had a lofty goal of 50 trunks, and we’ve fallen short every time. I’m bound and determined to help Jamie get there this year! If you don’t have a trunk we can use, Jamie also needs help with food prep, manning inflatables, and more. Again, you can find all the serving opportunities on the sign-up table in the Worship Center. Occasionally, we get the question, “Why do we celebrate Halloween?” To that, my answer is always the same: We’re not celebrating Halloween. We’re sharing the love of Christ with our community in a very real way. We’re providing a safe atmosphere for families to come and connect with our church body and with each other. Over the years, we’ve had several families make RCC their church home because they connected with us at Trunk or Fest. We’ve even seen people baptized into Christ whose first interaction with us was Trunk or Fest. Our messaging for this event is clear:  we are a church that loves each other and loves our community. I truly hope that you’ll sign-up and be with your church family loving on each other and our community!
Finally, October is a special month for churches. Somewhere along the line, someone dubbed October, “Pastor Appreciation Month.” Let me just encourage you to get involved in this with a few subtle encouragements. First off, let’s open it up and perhaps we can call it, “Church Staff Appreciation Month.” Secondly, I am very excited to let you know that I am in a season where I feel loved and encouraged incredibly. I get to serve day in and day out with my best friends in the world. I am a part of a church that loves me, forgives me, and encourages me. Any focus or attention you would put my way, I’d ask you instead to offer encouragement to Our Office Manager, Alecia Davis; our Worship Pastor, Allen Williams; our Student Pastor, Isaac King; our Iglesia Cristiana Pastor, Arturo Mejia; our Children’s Director, Jamie Fleming; our Nursery Coordinator, Andrea VanAuken; and our Campus Custodian, Anne Marie Oliver. Prayers, cards, perhaps a gift of some kind go further than you can know. These people work incredibly hard among you, please let them know you appreciate them. I also can’t help but include our chief shepherds in the church, our elders. These men work hard among you and deserve the same treatment as our church staff:  Freddy Alas, Matt Clay, Brian Howard, Jim Mote, John Myer, Preston Pierson, Dennis Thurman, and Josh Turner. We have great servants among us, and they certainly don’t do it for cards or accolades. That’s what makes the appreciation shown so much of an encouragement. It’s kind of like an ice cream sundae you order from Braum’s. It’s coming out the window, and you’re excited to have it!  But! They pull it back in and say, “Hold on!” They disappear from sight for a few moments, and then return with a cherry on top. You didn’t even miss the cherry, but now that it’s there, it just makes it a little bit better! That’s what a kind word or a card means to those that work hard among us. I am grateful for each of them. Please join me in appreciating them.
In Christ,

Contact Zach Here:


We’re already in October?! 2024 is flying by at a hypersonic rate. Everytime I blink the weather changes, the kids are bigger, and my back hurts more. If you have plans to do something epic, let me encourage you to make it happen, because you don’t know what’s around the corner and you might wait too long.

Our C-Groups are off to a great start! We started with 11 groups in August! Most meet on campus, with a few that meet in Rogers near RCC’s campus and one in Bentonville. Iglesia Cristiana (our Spanish ministry) will start 4 Spanish-speaking groups this week, which we are excited about! If you are a member of a Community Group, let me know how it’s going. I would love to hear any encouraging stories of life-change and encouragement! For a list of groups, leaders, and topics, please click on this link: https://www.rogerscc.org/community-groups. If you aren’t sure of which group to join, please contact me at allen@rogerscc.org and I can assist you selecting a group to try out. We understand that not every group will be the right fit for everyone. I encourage you to try a few groups to make a wise selection.

Our Overflow event is approaching quickly! On Sunday November 10th, we’ll have one worship service with a delicious Thanksgiving meal to follow. Be on the lookout for sign-ups for dessert, sides, and turkeys. We provide the frozen turkeys, so all you'll need to do is cook them! Details for cooking a turkey (when, where, but not how) will be at the sign-up table in the next few weeks. After the service, we will take a few minutes to stack the chairs and set out the tables. This is a wonderful event to invite your friends and family to and enjoy a meal together.

Family Camp is held at Maranatha Bible Camp on November 1-3. This is an awesome weekend focused on helping families draw closer together and to God. The weekend is full of activities (campfires, zip lines, archery, main sessions, meals, etc.), however each family is in charge of doing what they want to do. The main speakers are Titus & Lesli Neuenschwander with One Eighty Parenting. They have a phenomenal approach to parenting and have much to share in areas of providing education and support for parents who struggle with behavioral issues. They also specialize in Trauma Responsive Care for families who are walking the journey of foster care, adoption, divorce, and traumatic stress. You can learn more about them and their story by clicking this link: https://www.oneeightyparenting.com/about-us. Titus & Lesli spent a year walking alongside Kameesha and I as we struggled in expanding our parenting toolbox and in understanding more about ourselves and what our children need from us. Me and some of my kids and members of the student worship team will lead worship for each main session. To register, click the following link: http://maranathabiblecamp.org/retreat-season-events/fall-family-camp.

May you enjoy this beautiful fall weather, spend time with family, and serve our Lord generously and faithfully.

Servin’ God and Lovin’ It!

Contact Allen Here:

Iglesia Cristiana

Espero que esta carta se encuentre bien. Me sentí guiado a compartir con ustedes algunos pensamientos hoy de 1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18, que dice:

"Regocíjense siempre, oren continuamente, den gracias en toda circunstancia; porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para vosotros en Cristo Jesús".

Estas palabras simples pero profundas ofrecen una guía muy valiosa sobre cómo navegar por la vida, especialmente en tiempos difíciles.

En primer lugar, "Regocíjate siempre" nos recuerda que el gozo no depende de nuestras circunstancias, sino de nuestra relación con Dios. El verdadero gozo se encuentra en confiar en Sus promesas, incluso cuando la vida es difícil. No importa por lo que estés pasando, siempre hay una razón para regocijarte porque Dios está contigo y Su amor por ti nunca falla.

En segundo lugar, se nos anima a "orar continuamente". La oración es nuestro salvavidas para Dios, el medio por el cual nos mantenemos conectados con Su corazón. No significa que tengamos que estar de rodillas todo el día, pero nos invita a mantener una conciencia constante de la presencia de Dios, hablando con Él durante todo el día con un espíritu de apertura y confianza.

Finalmente, el llamado a "dar gracias en todas las circunstancias" puede ser el más desafiante de todos. Pero dar gracias, incluso en tiempos difíciles, cambia nuestro enfoque de los problemas que enfrentamos a la bondad y la soberanía de Dios. Nos recuerda que Dios está obrando todas las cosas para bien, incluso cuando no podemos verlo de inmediato.

Espero que estos versículos te animen tanto como me han animado a mí. Que sirvan como un recordatorio de que la alegría, la oración y la gratitud son herramientas poderosas que pueden sostenerte en cualquier momento. La voluntad de Dios para nosotros es vivir una vida llena de estas virtudes, y cuando lo hacemos, experimentamos Su paz y guía de una manera más profunda.

Ruego que hoy y todos los días, encuentren fuerza en el regocijo, consuelo en la oración y paz en dar gracias, sabiendo que Dios tiene el control.

La paz de Dios te acompañe.
God is good.
Pastor, Arturo Mejia

I hope this letter finds you well. I felt led to share some thoughts with you today from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, which says:

"Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus."

These simple yet profound words offer such valuable guidance on how to navigate life, especially in challenging times.

First, "Rejoice always" reminds us that joy is not dependent on our circumstances but on our relationship with God. True joy is found in trusting His promises, even when life is hard. No matter what you’re going through, there is always a reason to rejoice because God is with you, and His love for you never fails.

Second, we are encouraged to "pray continually." Prayer is our lifeline to God, the means by which we stay connected to His heart. It doesn’t mean that we have to be on our knees all day, but it invites us to maintain a constant awareness of God’s presence, speaking with Him throughout the day in a spirit of openness and reliance.

Finally, the call to "give thanks in all circumstances" can be the most challenging of all. But giving thanks, even in difficult times, shifts our focus from the problems we face to the goodness and sovereignty of God. It reminds us that God is working all things together for good, even when we can’t see it right away.

I hope these verses encourage you as much as they’ve encouraged me. May they serve as a reminder that joy, prayer, and gratitude are powerful tools that can sustain you through any season. God’s will for us is to live a life filled with these virtues, and when we do, we experience His peace and guidance in a deeper way.

I pray that today and every day, you would find strength in rejoicing, comfort in prayer, and peace in giving thanks, knowing that God is in control.

La paz de Dios te acompañe.
God is good.
Pastor, Arturo Mejia

Contact Arturo Here:

EVERY SUNDAY - Jr. High and High School Bible Study at 9:30am in the Student Center!

EVERY WEDNESDAY - OASIS - 6th-12th grade LifeGroups and Worship @ 6:30pm

October 12th - Corn MazeLeave at 4:00pm, get back at 12:00am. Must sign up at "The Hub" in the Student Center.  $30 per student, includes dinner, courtyard activities, 2 passes through the corn maze, and a zombie shoot-out ticket.

October 30th - Costume Party!  - Wear your fun costumes this Wednesday as we host a fun party with snacks, contests, and a runway to show your costume off!  They'll be awards for "Best Sr. High Costume", "Best Jr. High Costume", "Most Creative" & "Best Group Costume". 

October 31st  - Trunk-or-FEST!  Please watch for sign ups in the Worship Center to see how you can help with this outreach to our community on Halloween Night! Contact Jamie for more information! jamie@rogerscc.org

This is a fantastic overnight event for 9th-12th graders!  We'll be heading to Ozark Christian College on Friday at 4:00pm, and will be back on Saturday by 5:00pm! $75 per student.  Must sign up to attend at the Hub in the Student Center, or by contacting Isaac.  Deadline to sign up is October 6th.

479-426-5897 // isaac@rogerscc.org

Contact Isaac Here: 

Where has the time gone!? I am so glad to be back from maternity leave! I sure did miss all of you and your children! Thank you so much for such a warm welcome back over the last week. I brainstormed with the children when I returned about events and things that they would like to do over the next year. So, I'm very excited for a fun calendar of events this fiscal year!

I'm excited to continue learning the books of the Bible over the Fall, and continue having our kiddos opening their Bibles regularly and getting familiar with finding scripture.

Trunk-or-Fest is coming up on October 31st from 6-7:30PM, and it's sure to be a great time! Please help make the event wonderful. I need volunteers for set up & tear down, food service, manning entertainment (inflatables, face painting lines, and more!), and we need TRUNKS. Our goal is 50! Can you help us reach that goal? Text, call, or email to sign up to help!

Much love to you all,

Contact Jamie Here: 

Happy Fall, RCC!  

October is my favorite month! The crisp air, the smell of pumpkin and apple, the changing of the leaves! It also means the holidays are right around the corner. We have lots of fun things planned this month, but one of my favorites is Trunk-or-Fest! I love seeing all the kids in costumes, having fun, playing games, and the creativity of some of the trunks is top notch! We hope to see you there on October 31!
This months theme is “Jesus Loves the Little Children,” and our verse comes from Mark 10:16.  This month, your child will hear songs and words about Jesus’ love for children; feel loved by friends and teachers; and participate in play activities that teach him or her about Jesus’ love.  

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white,
They are precious in his sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

VOLUNTEER in The Harbor Nursery!

We have many volunteer opportunities available in the Harbor Nursery Ministry and at Check-in!
•1st and 2nd Service Check-in Volunteers
•1st and 2nd Service Substitutes- BIGGEST NEED!

If you're interested in serving in this vital ministry at RCC, please reach out to Andrea VanAuken using the form below.  
Thank you!

Email Andrea, The Nursery Coordinator, with the form below:


The International Missions Committee is excited to share with the body our revised monthly commitment amounts. We’ve been able to increase our giving to the organizations we support due to RCC’s generous giving. We thank all of you for being gracious stewards of God’s blessings, and in turn, blessing others with the Gospel.

Abra Church of Christ Ministries Association: $2,000
Philippines Bible Seminary: $183
Vision for Missions: $600
Other Philippines Missions: $400
Team Expansion: $500
Camp Hope: $400
Scriptures in Use: $300
Total: $4,383

-The International Missions Committee

Community Groups are active! If you aren't involved in a C-Group and would like to be, please contact Allen Williams with the form below!


Men’s Breakfast
Guys of all ages are invited to join us on Saturday, October 12th, for our Men’s Breakfast! One of RCC’s elders, Dennis Thurman, will be our guest speaker. We will meet in the Worship Center at 8am for an awesome time of food and community! Bring some friends, and we hope to see you there!
Women’s Ministry Gathering
Join us Monday, October 14th, at 6:30pm for our Women's Gathering! There will be worship, food, fellowship, and door prizes! We will be enjoying a taco salad bar, so please bring a dessert to share if you would like. Childcare will be provided. See you there!
Ladies Out to Lunch Bunch
All ladies are invited to lunch October 21st at 11am at Golden Corral in Rogers. This is a fun time of fellowship with other ladies, and we hope you will join us! Contact Krista Howard, 479-903-5762, for more information.
The 8th Street Motel Serving Ministry
Our next service at The 8th Street Motel will be on Thursday, October 24th. We need 2 people to help with meal preparation at 1pm in the Worship Center kitchen, and 12 people to help with set up and serving. We’ll meet in the Worship Center at 4:15pm to go set up, and should be done by 5:30pm. A sign up sheet is available on the RCC table. Contact the church office, 479-636-9067, for questions.
Disciple Making Training
We want to invite all students and adults to an exciting training event on Saturday, October 26th. We will host Bryan King and the E3 Partners organization for a powerful and applicable training course on creating relationships and sharing the gospel. Training will start at 9am, break for lunch (on your own), resume at 1pm, and conclude by 3pm. We ask you to please RSVP by emailing or calling the church office (479-636-9067, office@rogerscc.org), and letting us know how many will be coming with you. Drinks and donuts in the morning will be supplied.  Due to the length of the training, we will not be providing childcare. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Lead Pastor, Zach, in the church office (zach@rogerscc.org).
Iglesia Cristiana De Las Mujeras
El Grupo de Damas estara reuniendose el Sabado 26 de Octubre a las 2pm. Estan todas invitadas a las reuniones. Favor de contactar a Gladys Mejia, 832-370-0795, o Ferlim Alas, 479-715-1793, para mas informacion.
Trunk-or-Fest is COMING!
Join us October 31st from 6:00-7:30pm here at RCC for some great fun! We will have hot dogs, face painting, inflatables and TRUNKS! Stop by the table at the back of the worship center & sign up to decorate a trunk, help serve food, be an activity attendant, bake something tasty for the cake walk, or for set up/ clean up! Help us make this the best Trunk-or-Fest yet!
New Baby Room
Due to all of the new babies in our church family, we have created a new baby room for parents and their children.  This is a space where you you will find a changing table, play mat, chairs, and a tv that will be live streaming the Sunday service. The Baby Room is located near the coffee in the Worship Center. Enjoy! 
Homebound Communion
We have put together teams of individuals who will deliver communion to our homebound church members. If you are unable to make it on campus for service and would like for someone to come to your home and serve you communion, please contact our Lead Pastor, Zach, at the church office by phone or email (479-636-9067, zach@rogerscc.org).
The Non-Food Pantry is open on the first Tuesday of every month from 5-6pm. If you, or someone you know needs some help, then stop by! Photo ID and proof of residency in Rogers are needed in order to receive items.
Are you crafty?  Or do you just have a heart for those in pain? Join this ministry!

Pray, while making a shawl, for an individual who has a long term illness  (Illness lasting 6+ months)

How you can help:
1. If you can crochet or knit, your help in making shawls would be greatly appreciated
2. Donations to help with the yarn for making shawls. (Just an average cost for the yarn to make a shawl is approximately $15.)
3. Send in names for people to receive a shawl. Text or call 479-426-5687 or send a  Facebook message to Heather Fyffe.

Contact the Office: 

Let's work together.

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.