Current Sermon Series


My heart has been led to preach some foundational series as we’ve opened the new year.  We began by using the book of Daniel as our text to communicate the vision that God has given our leadership for RCC.  We looked at our vision of being a church of Disciples Creating Disciples. Reminded ourselves of our philosophy on the Word of God, that it’s sufficient for everything.  We revisited some core values along the way.  And, we did this all through the lens of Daniel and his three friends living in a culture that was increasingly hostile to their faith.  We’re currently in a message series that’s focusing on some fundamentals to our DNA that I’ve titled, “All In, All Together” (actually, I think our Student Pastor, Isaac, came up with that title).   So far, we’ve looked at the Scriptural foundation for the Restoration Movement. Churches like ours were born from the Restoration Movement, and that movement serves as a tool to continue to draw us back to the foundation of the authority of Scripture.  We then looked biblically at the ordinance of communion that we participate in each week in our services.  Next, we’ll be looking at the ordinance of baptism, which is always one of my favorite sermons to preach.  The series will round out looking at the priority of faithful presence.  Our next series will be out of the book of Titus and will focus on the kind of culture that we need to strive for in our church family.

Altogether, we’re looking at the first 14 Sunday’s messages spent on RCC and who she is.  I wonder if you’re wondering why. First and foremost, I will point to Holy Spirit and say, “He made me do it!”  I truly feel like we’re covering texts and topics that he wants us to cover.  I have found them timely as a church leader because I have friends in ministry and am aware of churches who are floundering.  Struggling.  Don’t get me wrong, RCC isn’t a church without struggles! Our attendances last quarter weren’t where I thought they’d be (not that they’re bad), our giving hasn’t been where we thought that it would be so far this fiscal year. There’s sin that our leaders are having to deal with (plus their own at times, I’m sure). Nothing I’m sharing is “news.”  RCC is the right place for me and you, but she’s not perfect. Unfortunately, churches can get so “busy” trying to manage everything that they start slipping in the areas of fundamentals and foundation. They flounder.  They struggle due to a lack of clear identity.  To be clear, I don’t see that happening in our church.  And I never want to see it happen.  As I’ve preached through these series (with the help of Isaac and our Prime Timers Ministry Team Leader, Rick Pierson), I’ve had people approach me afterward and share how important that particular message was.  Most recently, this week, a friend that I’ve invited to RCC talked with me over lunch. He’s been coming pretty regularly now for the last couple of months or so.  He brought up at our lunch appointment how meaningful and helpful the message on the Restoration Movement was, and that it solidified his decision to be a part of our church family.  I tried to keep it together because that’s the most boring sermon I’ve ever preached! Once again, God clearly gets the glory for working through a wretch like me.  We have a retired denominational pastor that has become a regular attender with his family. He’s an elderly gentleman. I bet he’s preached more sermons in his life than I can imagine.  As he left the Worship Center after my message on communion, he pulled me aside and thanked me.  In the denomination he formerly served in, they didn’t practice communion weekly.  He never understood why, but was so thankful to find RCC, a church body that truly stands on the Word of God.  Church, I have to pause here for just a moment and share something that is a regular occurrence in our church’s life.  I will have members and guests pull me aside and say to me, “Thank you for preaching the true Word of God!”  I always say thank you and point them to God, but I point them elsewhere as well.  To our elders.  We have eight awesome men who would rush the platform if I started preaching unbiblical messages.  Some of them are quite large and athletic.  I digress.  Long story short, we’re spending time looking at our foundations and fundamentals because they matter and keep us from drifting into worldliness.  As our church family continues to grow, people come in with different backgrounds, cultures and experiences. Our diversity is a strength, but we must be unified on the foundational elements of our faith.
As a quick reminder, Keith Torres and his family will be moving to NWA this month! Keith’s first day with us will be Monday, March 10th.  Please be in prayer for them. Pray specifically that their house in Florida would sell.  I know that’s his biggest concern at this time.  Pray for the right buyer and pray they come soon!  After Keith and his family are here, I ask you to welcome him the way you’ve welcomed our other pastors:  with wide open arms.  One of my greatest stories I like to tell about our church was when we moved (coincidentally from Florida) to Rogers.  I remember taking several days to pack up the U-Haul.  I remember the long drive. Most of all, I remember pulling up to our rental house and 25-30 people from RCC waiting there to help us unload.  What took us and others day to pack up was unloaded, no lie, in 30 minutes.  I’m not sure we’ll have that opportunity with the Torres family, but I hope we do.  Regardless, I know you (we) will find great ways to welcome them, get to know them, and do life with them.
God bless you, RCC!
In Christ,

Contact Zach Here:

Welcome Keith & Courtney Torres! 

Iglesia Cristiana

Superando las Pruebas con Fe y Fortaleza
A la familia de Rogers Comunidad Cristiana y Rogers Christian Church,

Cada mes trae consigo nuevos desafíos, y febrero no ha sido la excepción. Para muchos, ha sido un tiempo de pruebas constantes, de luchas internas y externas, de momentos donde la fe ha sido sacudida por la incertidumbre. Las dificultades pueden haber afectado no solo nuestras vidas personales, sino también nuestras metas y propósitos, tanto terrenales como divinos.

Sin embargo, debemos recordar que la adversidad no es el final del camino, sino el proceso mediante el cual Dios nos moldea y fortalece. Como dice un antiguo canto:
"Batalla no es batalla si no viene la prueba, y si no viene la guerra, batalla no es batalla."
Esta verdad resuena en nuestra fe: las pruebas son inevitables, pero nuestra confianza en Cristo es inquebrantable. Él es nuestro sustento, nuestra fuerza en la tribulación y nuestra esperanza en cada lucha.

La Tormenta y el Árbol: Una Reflexión Profunda
Imaginemos un árbol plantado junto a un río. Cuando los vientos fuertes lo azotan, sus ramas pueden doblarse y sus hojas pueden caer, pero sus raíces permanecen firmes, profundas e inquebrantables. Así es nuestra fe cuando está arraigada en Cristo. Las pruebas pueden sacudirnos, pero si estamos cimentados en Su amor, jamás caeremos.

Salmos 46:1 nos recuerda:
"Dios es nuestro amparo y fortaleza, nuestro pronto auxilio en las tribulaciones."
Nuestra verdadera seguridad no se encuentra en la ausencia de problemas, sino en la certeza de que Dios camina con nosotros a través de ellos.

Mirando hacia Marzo: Un Reto y una Promesa.

Si febrero nos desafió, marzo también traerá nuevas pruebas. Pero más que temerlas, debemos verlas como oportunidades para fortalecer nuestra fe. En cada batalla, Dios nos equipa con valentía, sabiduría y paciencia. No estamos solos en esta travesía: la comunidad de creyentes es un reflejo del amor de Dios, un recordatorio de que juntos podemos superar cualquier adversidad.

"En medio de la tempestad, la fe en Cristo es el faro que nos guía hacia la calma."

Que esta verdad ilumine cada uno de nuestros días. Que no nos detengan los obstáculos, sino que nos impulsen a confiar más en Dios. Sigamos orando, sirviendo y caminando en la certeza de que Aquel que comenzó la buena obra en nosotros la perfeccionará (Filipenses 1:6).

Con profunda fe y esperanza,
Rogers Comunidad Cristiana
Rogers Christian Church
Overcoming Trials with Faith and Strength
To the Family of Rogers Christian Community and Rogers Christian Church,

Each month brings its own challenges, and February was no exception. For many, it was a time of constant trials, internal and external struggles, and moments where faith was tested by uncertainty. These difficulties may have affected not only our personal lives but also our goals and divine purpose.
However, we must remember that adversity is not the end of the journey—it is the process through which God molds and strengthens us. As an old song reminds us:
"A battle is not a battle if there is no test, and if there is no war, then a battle is not a battle."
This truth resonates deeply in our faith: trials are inevitable, but our trust in Christ is unwavering. He is our refuge, our strength in tribulation, and our hope in every struggle.

The Storm and the Tree: A Powerful Reflection
Imagine a tree planted by a river. When strong winds blow, its branches may bend, and its leaves may fall, yet its roots remain deep, firm, and unshaken. This is how our faith must be—anchored in Christ. Though trials may shake us, if we are rooted in His love, we will never fall.
Psalm 46:1 reminds us:
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble."
Our true security is not found in the absence of problems, but in the certainty that God walks with us through them.

Looking Ahead to March: A Challenge and a Promise
If February tested us, March may bring new trials as well. But rather than fearing them, we should see them as opportunities to strengthen our faith. In every battle, God equips us with courage, wisdom, and perseverance. We are not alone in this journey—the community of believers is a reflection of God's love, reminding us that together, we can overcome any adversity.

"In the midst of the storm, faith in Christ is the lighthouse that guides us to peace."
Let this truth illuminate our days. Let obstacles not hold us back, but instead push us to trust God even more. Let us continue to pray, serve, and walk in the assurance that He who began a good work in us will bring it to completion (Philippians 1:6).

With deep faith and hope,
Rogers Christian Community
Rogers Christian Church
Contact Arturo Here:

EVERY SUNDAY - Jr. High and High School Bible Study @ 9:30am in the Student Center!

EVERY WEDNESDAY (During the School Year) - OASIS - 6th-12th grade LifeGroups and Worship @ 6:30pm

March 22nd - WinterJam!  $25 per student.  Only the best Christian Concert of the year!  We'll head out to Springfield, MO!  We leave the RCC parking lot at 1pm!  We'll be back by 12am!  Must Sing up to attend!

March 26th - No Wednesday Oasis - Enjoy Spring Break!  

April 25th-26th - MAN CAMP - We'll be heading to the Buffalo National River in Ponca, Ar for a 1 night camping trip!  We'll be taking lessons from the book "The Screwtape Letters" taught by our own student leaders!   $30 per student - must sign up at The Hub in the Student Center to attend!


July 20th-25th - Sr. High Camp:  An amazing week at Maranatha Bible Camp where you get to escape from life and dig deeper with Christ!  Early Bird Price of $325 due by June 12th.  Regular price is $350.  

July 6th-10th - Middle School Camp:  An amazing week at Maranatha Bible Camp where you get to escape from life and dig deeper with Christ!  Early Bird Price of $290 due by June 12th. Regular price is $315.  

Register for Camp here starting January 2025

June 15th-21st - CIY MOVE : 
- A High Octane Exploration of Who You are with God.
- Conference for high school students only!
- It's in Bowling Green, Ohio, and we'll be traveling to get there.
- $540 per person - fundraisers are available.  
- Cost includes all food and board.
- Must sign up to attend!  

479-426-5897 // isaac@rogerscc.org

Contact Isaac Here: 

February was an exciting month as we explored Jesus’ incredible miracles with water! Through these powerful stories, kids discovered that Jesus does everything out of love, calls us to follow Him, knows what we need, and that He can do anything. It was amazing to watch them grow in their faith and understanding of Jesus' power!

March: The Big Picture
Every great movie tells a great story—and Jesus was the greatest storyteller of all time! He used stories, called parables, to teach His followers important lessons about life with God. In this five-week series, kids will hear some of the stories Jesus told and discover:
  • God helps us know what’s true.
  • We can give back to God.
  • God sends us helpers.
  • God gives us second chances.
  • We belong in God’s family.
We can’t wait to dive into these amazing stories and see how they help kids understand the big picture of following Jesus!

Thank you for allowing us to partner with your family in growing your child’s faith. We’re praying for your kids and excited to see all that God has in store this month!


Upcoming dates:
March 9th: Kids worship practice for 4th/5th graders. Bring a lunch! Pickup at 2:00PM
March 15th: Kids Volunteer fellowship at 6:00PM. Dinner provided. (Every 3rd Sunday of the month)
April 19th: Easter Egg Hunt 11:00AM
July 12th: Beginner Day 3 Camp (K-1st); Early Bird Pricing $40 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $55
July 14th-17th: Elementary Camp (3rd-5th); Early Bird Pricing $220 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $245
July 18th-19th: Overnight Camp (1st-2nd); Early Bird Pricing $85 (good through June 12th), Regular Pricing $110

Contact Jamie Here: 

Spring is coming and I could not be happier! I enjoy the stillness of the winter, but there’s something so beautiful about hearing the birds chirping, feeling the warmer air, and seeing new life spring up!The changing of the seasons is such a blessing!

The theme for March is "Jesus Loves Me!" We will focus on how much Jesus Loves Us and all the wonderful things he does to show us that Love. We will also begin learning about the story of Zacchaeus. This month, your child will hear words and songs about Jesus’ love, feel glad to hear of Jesus’ love and to be cared for by loving teachers, and participate in play activities to learn about Jesus’ love.

Sing It
Jesus Loves me this I know,
For the Bible Tells me so!
Little ones to him belong,
They are weak but he is strong!

Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
Yes, Jesus loves me!
The Bible Tells me So!

VOLUNTEER in The Harbor Nursery!

We have many volunteer opportunities available in the Harbor Nursery Ministry and at Check-in!
•1st and 2nd Service Check-in Volunteers
•1st and 2nd Service Substitutes- BIGGEST NEED!

If you're interested in serving in this vital ministry at RCC, please reach out to Andrea VanAuken using the form below.  
Thank you!

Email Andrea, The Nursery Coordinator, with the form below:

Community Groups are active! If you aren't involved in a C-Group and would like to be, please contact Zach Davis with the form below!


Men’s Breakfast
Guys of all ages are invited to join us on Saturday, March 8th, for our Men’s Breakfast! RCC's own, Rick Pierson, will be our guest speaker. We will meet in the Worship Center at 8am for an awesome time of food and community! Bring some friends, and we hope to see you there!
Join Us for a Fundraiser to Support Men’s Encounter!
We invite you to be part of this special fundraising event for Men’s Encounter. On March 8th at 12:00pm, come to RCC's parking lot and grab a delicious plate of BBQ chicken with rice, beans, tortillas, and water for just $10! Our goal is to sell 500 plates, and we need your support to make it happen!
Women’s Ministry Gathering
Join us Monday, March 10th, at 6:30pm for our monthly Women's Gathering! We will be enjoying a nacho bar potluck, worship, door prizes, games, and fellowship! Ladies will be sharing about their time at Women's Encounter, too! Childcare will be provided. See you there!
Ladies Out to Lunch Bunch
All ladies are invited to lunch March 17th at 11am at Golden Corral in Rogers. This is a fun time of fellowship with other ladies, and we hope you will join us! Contact Krista Howard, 479-903-5762, for more information.
We won't be having any Wednesday programming on March 26th...it's Spring Break! See you on April 2nd!
The 8th Street Motel Serving Ministry
Our next service at The 8th Street Motel will be on Thursday, March 27th. We need 2 people to help with meal preparation at 1pm in the Worship Center kitchen, and 12 people to help with set up and serving. We’ll meet in the Worship Center at 4:15pm to go set up, and should be done by 5:30pm. A sign up sheet is available on the RCC table. Contact the church office, 479-636-9067, for questions.
RCC Community Blood Drive
On March 28th, from 12-4pm, we are partnering with the Red Cross for a Blood Drive! Please visit redcrossblood.org, or click the button below, to get scheduled. Thank you for helping us serve our community!
Sweet Blessings & a Note Outreach
Join us March 29th for “Passing Sweet Blessings & a Note”, an outreach event to share kindness and encouragement with our community. We will meet at 6am in the Worship Center to pack donut boxes and attach notes, then will head to the Kum & Go at 28th and Walnut to hand out the sweet treats and notes to brighten someone’s day. Such a simple act of love that can make a lasting impact. Contact Arturo, arturo@rogerscc.org, with questions.
Iglesia Cristiana De Las Mujeras
El Grupo de Damas estara reuniendose el Sabado 29 de Marzo a las 2pm. Estan todas invitadas a las reuniones. Favor de contactar a Gladys Mejia, 832-370-0795, o Ferlim Alas, 479-715-1793, para mas informacion.
New Baby Room
Due to all of the new babies in our church family, we have created a new baby room for parents and their children.  This is a space where you you will find a changing table, play mat, chairs, and a tv that will be live streaming the Sunday service. The Baby Room is located near the coffee in the Worship Center. Enjoy! 
Homebound Communion
We have put together teams of individuals who will deliver communion to our homebound church members. If you are unable to make it on campus for service and would like for someone to come to your home and serve you communion, please contact our Lead Pastor, Zach, at the church office by phone or email (479-636-9067, zach@rogerscc.org).
The Non-Food Pantry is open on the first Tuesday of every month from 5-6pm. If you, or someone you know needs some help, then stop by! Photo ID and proof of residency in Rogers are needed in order to receive items.
Are you crafty?  Or do you just have a heart for those in pain? Join this ministry!

Pray, while making a shawl, for an individual who has a long term illness  (Illness lasting 6+ months)

How you can help:
1. If you can crochet or knit, your help in making shawls would be greatly appreciated
2. Donations to help with the yarn for making shawls. (Just an average cost for the yarn to make a shawl is approximately $15.)
3. Send in names for people to receive a shawl. Text or call 479-426-5687 or send a  Facebook message to Heather Fyffe.

Contact the Office: 

Let's work together.

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.